Product Information

Product Image Sizes

The size options for all product images.


  • 40px x 40px
  • 60px x 60px
  • 80px x 80px
  • 100px x 100px
  • 120px x 120px
  • 150px x 150px
  • 200px x 200px (not available in colorized images)
  • 250px x 250px
  • 300px x 300px
  • 400px x 400px
  • 500px x 500px
  • 700px x 700px
  • 1400px x 1400px
  • 2000px x 2000px

Product Image Lookup:


Sass File(s)None Required
JS File(s)None Required
JS FunctionsNone
Locale KeysNone


None at this time

Image Srcset

Serves the correct size image based on viewport size.


<a class="darkestLink show" href="/product/114238/Confetti-Stadium-Cup-17-oz" title="View the Confetti Stadium Cup">
	<img class="responsiveImg" loading="lazy" srcset="// 250w,
		// 150w,
		// 300w"
			sizes="(max-width: 400px) 250px,
				(max-width: 600px) 300px,
				(max-width: 800px) 150px,
		src="//" alt="Confetti Stadium Cup">
	<figcaption class="textCenter">Confetti Stadium Cup<sup>®</sup></figcaption>
<a class="darkestLink" href="/product/114238/Confetti-Stadium-Cup-17-oz" title="View the Confetti Stadium Cup">
		<img class="responsiveImg" srcset="// 250w,
			// 150w,
			// 300w"
			sizes="(max-width: 400px) 250px,
				(max-width: 600px) 300px,
				(max-width: 800px) 150px,
		src="//" alt="Confetti Stadium Cup"  loading="lazy">
	<figcaption class="textCenter">Confetti Stadium Cup<sup>®</sup></figcaption>

If you are using webp images that need a jpg or png fallback, the picture element must be used.

After the image path is the image's inherent width in pixels: 250w - this uses the w unit, not px; This width should be the images real size.

Sizes defines a set of media conditions (screen widths) and indicates what image size would be best for the browser to choose.

The media condition is when the viewport width is 400 pixels or less (in this example).

After the media condition is the width of the area the image will fill when the media condition is true - 250px (in this example).

The last slot has no media condition. This is the default size that is chosen no other media conditions are true.


Sass File(s)None Required
JS File(s)None Required
JS FunctionsNone
Locale KeysNone


None at this time.

Product Layout

The layout for every product listed on the site.


Hanes Authentic T-Shirt - Screen - Colors

Hanes Authentic T-Shirt - Screen - Colors

On sale from $4.95 to $9.89

Order as few as 18

Ships within 5 days.*

Item #6729-S-C

Average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars



None at this time


Sass File(s)None Required
JS File(s)None Required
JS FunctionsNone
Locale KeysNone


None at this time

Sale Box

Shown when a product is on sale.


up to 15% off!

Original price normally as low as $33.95

Today's price now as low as $31.25

<div class="text16 marginTop10">
        		<legend class="textSemiBold roundCorners3 text16 textWhite bkgdDkRed padding5 marginBtm5">up to 15% off!</legend>
        		<p calss="text14 textSemiBold"><span class="visually-hidden">Original price </span&l\gt;normally as low as $33.95</p>
        		<p class="text14 textSemiBold textDkRed"><span class="visually-hidden">Today's price </span>now as low as $31.25</p>

None at this time.


Sass File(s)None
JS File(s)None Required
JS FunctionsNone
Locale KeysNone


None at this time

Star Rating

Conveys the rating from customers on the product.


Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars


See main site VS file for reusable code snippet

Outter element must be a block element div.

Do not use a ul li for the stars.

Stars must be wrapped in an inline element; Inline is extremely important to keep the two sets of stars lining up correctly.


Sass File(s)/sass/components/_ratingstars2024.scss
JS File(s)/views/product/starrating/starrating24.js
JS FunctionsNone
Locale KeysNone


The HTML markup is very important for accessibility success.

The stars each have aria-hidden="true" and focusable="false"applied.

Following outer element, there must be the visually-hidden text that tells the screen reader the average star rating.

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