Readable 3.1

Understanding Guideline 3.1 opens in new window


<blockquote xml:lang="de">
		Da dachte der Herr daran, ihn aus dem Futter zu schaffen,
		aber der Esel merkte, daß kein guter Wind wehte, lief fort
		und machte sich auf den Weg nach Bremen: dort, meinte er,
		könnte er ja Stadtmusikant werden.
Acceptance Criteria
  1. Use language attributes on the html element.
  2. Specify the default language in the HTTP header

The human language of each passage or phrase in the content can be programmatically determined except for proper names, technical terms, words of indeterminate language, and words or phrases that have become part of the vernacular of the immediately surrounding text.

If you have to change the language

This example demonstrates the use of the xml:lang attribute defining a quote written in German. This snippet could be included by an XHTML 1.1 document where lang is not allowed.


Acceptance Criteria
  1. Use language attributes on the html element.
  2. specify the default language in the HTTP header

The default human language of each Web page can be programmatically determined.

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